Sunday, April 27, 2014

Firefighters' Burned Children Fund - Fire Station #37

 Did you know that Fire Station #37, 13828 S. Tryon, Charlotte,  collects aluminum cans for the “Firefighters’ Burned Children Fund, Inc” ? Well, they do!

The Firefighters’ Burned children’s Fund is a non-profit organization that was created in 1989 by local firefighters to support burned children in North Carolina. The collected cans are sold to local recycling centers. The proceeds pay for non-medical equipment such as pediatric wheelchairs, exercise equipment, and the development and implementation of burn prevention programs. Possibly the most important thing this organization provides is a little bit of happiness during a traumatic time in a young child’s life. Teddy Bears and Toy Fire truck are also on the list of non-medical equipment! These guys are awesome!

So the next time you head to the recycle bin with an aluminum can, place it in a separate bag and drop it off at the trailer in front of your local Fire Station. The firefighters and young burn victims will love you for it.
For more information please visit Firefighters' Burned Children Fund