Thursday, February 28, 2013

More Than Just Cupcakes!

More Than Just Cupcakes!!

After coming out of a self induced Valentine candy coma, I decided it was time to check out SAS Cupcakes.
If you think you are walking into a typical bakery, you are wrong. This place screams of pure, sweet indulgence, glitter, feathers and PINK!!! Pink everywhere! The shelves are filled with great one-of-a-kind gifts for adults and children of all ages. If you are looking for something pink with feathers, chances are you will find it here. Perfect Diva Store! Will need to remember this, I do know some Divas.

Let me enlighten you about this happy place. It all began in Newark, Delaware in 2007, by a husband and wife team. I read the husband, Mike (Sweet) makes the cupcakes  and his wife Tara (Sassy) makes the frosting. Sweet-N-Sassy. Get it, The name was eventually changed to SAS Cupcakes.

They are the original cupcake shipping company.  A bit of trivia, you never know when you may need it. Rumor has it (true) SAS was hired by Victoria Secret to ship 40,000 cupcakes to all of their stores for a national promotion. Can you believe 40,000 pink, perfect  cupcakes shipped on the same day?

Speaking of exceptional delivery, Kaitlyn the store manager told me a story about receiving a call from a desperate  bride in need of a wedding cake. No problem. SAS cupcakes were delivered and saved the day! SAS Cupcakes are proud to say they never miss a deadline. Talk about customer service!

There is no doubt in my mind they make a great cupcake, but they are also a great resource for marketing promotions for large or small business, school functions, fundraisers, or in my case a great dessert for any open houses I’m hosting! What a great way to say Thank You to someone! They do have designers ready to help with your business needs.

Thinking of having a party? How can you not when you walk into this place. They do parties!!! Ladies Night Out. Bring in a bottle of wine, and some friends, they will supply the cupcakes.  This may need to be on my bucket list.

Yes, they do children’s parties, bridal/baby showers - any excuse for a party.

SAS also gives back to the community!. Any cupcakes left at the end of the day are delivered to the Charlotte fire department on S. Tryon in Steele Creek. Thank you for keeping our firemen happy.

On my way out the door, Kaitlyn presented me with box of cupcakes to take home.

Let me say the cupcakes are special. They are not your typical cupcake that you peel off paper and devour. The best way to describe a SAS cupcake is, it’s  a small scale cake that should be placed on a plate, eaten with a fork and enjoyed, with a glass of milk or…..a glass of wine. Ummm. A great way to end a day! By the way all cupcakes are $2.00 on Tuesdays. You can follow them on Facebook.

SAS Cupcakes is more than a cupcakery. It’s a place that gives back to the community, helps promote your business and when you just need to add little bit of joy to your day…. grab a cupcake! SAS Cupcakes at Rivergate.

Thank you Kaitlyn for taking the time to tell me all about SAS Cupcakes.

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